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Getting Started


Simplifying Buying

Kredivo checkout API allows you to implement our checkout process so Kredivo users can make a transaction on your platform, be it web based or app based. Our checkout API now comes in many variations, each one suitable for a specific need. Each variation differs by the parameters that you will be required to pass, but is the same API at its core. The checkout API can be broken down into the following use cases: 2-click checkout, 0-click checkout, QR checkout, and personal loan transaction. 1. 2-click checkout: User will need to enter his/her Kredivo phone number & PIN, followed by an OTP, to do a transaction 2. 0-click checkout: This feature allows a user to tokenize his/her Kredivo account on your platform. Once tokenized, any subsequent transaction can be done without having the user enter his/her Kredivo credentials (in some cases, OTP might still be required) 3. QR checkout: Our solution for offline transaction. Available in 2 flavors: dynamic (unique per transaction ID) or static (unique per store/merchant) 4. Personal loan transaction: Lets you offer Kredivo personal loan service

Optimized for all devices More sales with no risk
Kredivo Checkout adapts seamlessly to both desktops and mobile devices. This means that you instantly get the same conversion on mobiles as on desktops. One-click buying increases conversion by an additional 29% for returning customers. Kredivo assumes all risk for both the customer and merchant. That means no more charge-backs for you as a merchant.

Try Kredivo Checkout

We have set up a demo checkout so that you can try it out yourself, just go to one of our partner sites.


Prepare your site

To complete the Kredivo Checkout integration process as simply and quickly as possible, we recommend that you start by setting up the following.

Checkout page and confirmation page

Both the checkout page and the checkout confirmation page are hosted by you. Both these pages must include a div that you will populate with the Kredivo Checkout button. You will learn what the Kredivo Checkout is in our first tutorial, embed the checkout. Kredivo Checkout is responsive, which means that it will always use the full width of the container.

Tip! Place the Kredivo Checkout button so that your customers can see it instantly after loading the checkout page without scrolling. Provide clear calls to action to improve your conversion rates, such as “Finalize your purchase now”.


An example of what the checkout looks like on different devices.

Push notification URI

As you will learn in the Confirm purchase tutorial, Kredivo needs a URI to inform you of the order status. You will need to include a placeholder in the push URI, which Kredivo will then replace with the order URI when we send the push request. You can download example push URI Here

Developer Help

If you need any help with the documentation and sandbox environment, please email and we will respond as soon as possible.

If you do not have a merchant account, please email to get setup with one.

Developer FAQ

  1. Does Kredivo work on desktop and mobile? Yes, desktop, mobile, and tablet web.
  2. I am not a retailer but I want to offer Kredivo financial products in my site/app do you have an API for that? See previous answer. If you are interested in using Kredivo for your site/app, email us at
  3. Is Kredivo another payment processor? No. Kredivo is a point of sale credit solution for your customers.

2-click Checkout

This is the most basic checkout feature suitable for either a web based platform or app based platform. Here is the API structure:


First, you will need to call the checkout API by passing all the required parameters. If successful, you will receive a redirect URL as a response. This URL will redirect the user to Kredivo payment page. There are at least 3 components that are required to obtain the payment page:

You will need a server_key to interact with the Kredivo server. Please send an email to to sign up as an Kredivo merchant and get the server_key.

Initiate 2-click Checkout

To initiate 2-click checkout with Kredivo, you will need to call checkout_url API.

Using the API:

The Request JSON structured like this:

    "client_user_key": "",
    "transaction_details": {
        "items": [
                "name":"iPhone 5S",
                "name":"Hailee Sneakers Blink Silver",
                "name":"Tax Fee",
                "name":"Shipping Fee",
            "email": "",
            "address" : {
                "address":"Jalan Tentara Pelajar no 49",
                "city":"Jakarta Utara",
            "name":"Toko Bagus",
            "email": "",
            "address" : {
                "address":"Jalan Krinci raya IX no 1",
                "city":"Jakarta Selatan",
    "customer_details": {
    "billing_address": {
        "address":"Jalan Teknologi Indonesia No. 25",
    "shipping_address": {
        "address":"Jalan Teknologi Indonesia No. 25",
    "metadata": {
        "user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0"

The Response returns JSON structured like this:

  Positive Response :

    "message":"Message if any",

  Negative Response:

    "status": "ERROR",
    "error": {
        "message": "Field secret_key is INCORRECT.",
        "kind": "APIException"


    "error": {
        "kind": "deprecated",
        "message": "This order is already PROCESSED.",
        "code": null
    "status": "ERROR"

Request Body

Name Type Description
server_key String Required. Each merchant will have server_key generated by Kredivo.
payment_type String Required. You can set default value with 30_days or 12_months. Payment id/type chosen by the shopper (30_days, 3_months, 6_months, 12_months)
client_user_key String Optional. Required if tokenize_user = true. Should be unique per user on client side
transaction_details Transaction Details of the transaction
customer_details Customer Required. Details of the customer
sellers Seller Optional (compulsory for marketplaces). Details of the seller for marketplaces
billing_address Address Optional. Billing address of the customer/shopper
shipping_address Address Required. Shipping address of the customer/shopper. shipping is required for goods (excluding ticket/voucher).
metadata Metadata Optional. Object containing the metadata parameters.
push_uri String Required. URI of merchant push-notification API (HTTP POST).
user_cancel_uri String Optional. URI that the customer is sent to if the customer chooses to cancel the Kredivo payment before completion.
back_to_store_uri String Required. URI of your store page. Used on the settlement page. Kredivo’s server will pass some params to this uri for merchant’s server acknowledgement: order_id: Order Id given by Merchant; tr_id: Transaction Id given by Kredivo;tr_status: Transaction status of a transaction; sign_key: Signature key to validate if the notification is originated from Kredivo.
expiration_time String (epoch) Optional. By default, kredivo will expire the transaction in 24 hours.


Name Type Description
status String Status code (OK or ERROR)
message String Description of status
redirect_url String Redirect URL will be sent for regular transaction. If the user has been authenticated, there will be 2 scenarios: If our security system flags the transaction, we will pass a redirect URL that contains an OTP challenge for the user. Otherwise, we will not pass any redirect URL and you will only need to wait for a callback from Kredivo.
error Message : Description of error status; Kind : error type


Name Type Description
order_id String Required. Order Id given by merchant
amount Double Required. The transaction amount
items Item Required. The shopping items

Product Item

Name Type Description
id String Required. Can be product SKU. Important! for item fee such as: shipping fee, admin fee etc. you have to use this id: shippingfee, adminfee, taxfee, discount, additionalfee, insurancefee, mixpayment.
name String Required. product name given by merchant
price Double Required. Price of the item.
url String Required. URL to the product item on merchant site.
image_url String Optional. URL to the product item image.
type String Required. Product category.
quantity Integer Required. Quantity of the item bought.
parent_type String Optional. You can assign the fee to either SELLER or ITEM. If not specified, this will be tied to transaction level.
parent_id String Optional. This is either the seller Id or item Id


Name Type Description
first_name String Required.
last_name String Optional.
email String Required.
phone String Required.


Name Type Description
first_name String Required.
last_name String Optional.
address String Required.
city String Required.
postal_code String Required.
phone String Required.
country_code String Required. ISO 3166-1 alpha-3


Name Type Description
id String Required. Seller’s Id
name String Required. Seller’s name
url String Require. Seller’s url
legal_id String Optional. Seller’s legal Id (KTP, SIM or passport number)
email String Required. Seller’s email
address Address Required. Seller’s residential address


Name Type Description
ip_address String Optional.
user_agent String Optional.
device_id String Optional. IMEI or IMSI of buyer device
imsi String Optional.

HTTP(S) Header

Name Type Description
Content-Type String application/json
Accept String application/json

Confirm Transaction

In this tutorial you will learn how to confirm that you have received and created an order in your system. This confirmation is needed in response to a push notification from Kredivo, indicating that the user has completed the transaction. Once you have received the push notification, you should update the status of the transaction.

1. Receive notification from Kredivo

Once a consumer has completed a purchase, Kredivo will inform you via a POST request. The POST request will be made to the push notification URI you provided when you created the checkout order.

HTTP Notification example of transaction::

    "status": "OK",
    "amount": "1500100.00",
    "payment_type": "30_days",
    "transaction_status": "pending",
    "order_id": "KD125262",
    "message": "Transaction status is pending",
    "shipping_address": {
        "city": "Jakarta Selatan",
        "first_name": "Darana 2",
        "last_name": "Pratama",
        "countrycode": "IDN",
        "creation_date": "2017-08-04T18:28:14",
        "phone": "0217248724",
        "state": "",
        "transaction": 1505866,
        "postcode": "12120",
        "location_details": "Jl. Kerinci IX No. 5-A"
    "transaction_time": 1501846094,
    "transaction_id": "fadee4e5-99a2-48d6-952d-007f3fa508e8",
    "signature_key": "o5KZPDcxgEA9QutAVcIQwE3suQRkTEIA1VXcoHp7KaWJnpHx0uuHETBVpxfYLbaPyS8RJg34uVxTUX64cfUTzVVhCrSif%2FUg92J2WyLs%2FhQ%3D"

Response Body from Kredivo

Name Type Description
status String Status code (OK or ERROR)
message String Description of status
payment_type String Payment id/type chosen by the shopper (30_days, 3_months, 6_months, 12_months)
transaction_id String Transaction Id given by Kredivo
transaction_status String Transaction status of a transaction, the values is:
settlement: Transaction is successful
pending: User has not completed the transaction
deny: Transaction has been denied by Kredivo
cancel: Transaction has been cancelled by merchant
expire: User did not complete transaction, thus transaction is expired
transaction_time UNIX timestamp (epoch) Timestamp of transaction
payment_type String Payment id/type chosen by the shopper (30_days, 3_months, 6_months, 12_months)
shipping_address Address Optional. Shipping address of the customer/shopper
order_id String Order Id given by merchant
amount String The transaction amount
signature_key String Signature key to validate if the notification is originated from Kredivo.

Response Address Info

Name Type Description
city String Optional.
first_name String Optional.
last_name String Optional.
countrycode String Optional.
creation_date String Optional.
phone String Optional.
state String Optional.
transaction Integer Optional.
postcode String Optional.
location_details String Optional.

2. Merchant Response

merchant response should be in JSON, structured like this:

    "message":"Message from merchant if any"

3. Confirm the order status

You must now get the order status to validate the notification originated from Kredivo server

Using the API:

GET /v2/update?transaction_id=bb0380d7-2688-4e73-a668-997f3fc5cbec&signature_key=5f1fa4a524f5a8201a3a373d67b5796840bed1598b2bb816855d0e14d01cd09b988b4b861f39bed642b4db861108bbf0dd84ce8e17caf675d4bf2c81ab545397

Request Body

Name Type Description
transaction_id String Transaction Id given by Kredivo
signature_key String Signature key to validate if the notification is originated from Kredivo.

Response Body

Example response after call API v2/update:

    "status": "OK",
    "legal_name": "TANDRA",
    "fraud_status": "accept",
    "order_id": "KD125262",
    "transaction_time": 1501846094,
    "amount": "1500100.00",
    "payment_type": "30_days",
    "transaction_status": "settlement",
    "message": "Confirmed order status. Valid!",
    "transaction_id": "fadee4e5-99a2-48d6-952d-007f3fa508e8"
Name Type Description
status String Status code (OK or ERROR).
message String Description of status
payment_type String Payment id/type chosen by the shopper (30_days, 3_months, 6_months, 12_months)
transaction_id String Transaction Id given by Kredivo
transaction_status String Transaction status of a transaction, the values is:
settlement: Transaction is successful
pending: User has not completed the transaction
deny: Transaction has been denied by Kredivo
cancel: Transaction has been cancelled by merchant
expire: User did not complete transaction, thus transaction is expired
transaction_time UNIX timestamp (epoch) Timestamp of transaction
order_id String Order Id given by merchant
amount String The transaction amount
fraud_status String Detection result by Fraud Detection System (FDS), the values is:accept: Approved by FDS; deny: Denied by FDS. Transaction automatically failed
legal_name String legal name of kredivo account
user_token String Once the user authentication succeeds, we will send you the user token. Use this token to enable the express checkout for the user. Currently the user token has no expiration.

4. Settle an order in your system

You should now settle the order in your system with the order data that you want to store if transaction_status is SETTLEMENT.

0-click Checkout

0-click Checkout is a feature that allows Kredivo users to tokenize their Kredivo account inside the merchant’s platform. A tokenized user will then be able enjoy our express checkout feature. Whereas our regular checkout requires the user to enter his/her phone number, PIN, and OTP to confirm the transaction, the 0-click Checkout will essentially allow the user to checkout without entering anything. In the case where our security system flags a transaction as suspicious, we will throw an OTP challenge to the user. Here is the API structure:


0-click Checkout is a great leap forward even when compared to our already smooth 2-click regular checkout. It is the smoothest checkout process in the market today, giving unparalleled user experience.

This feature is only available for select merchants. Contact us if you’re interested in using this feature.

Initiate 0-click Checkout

This step will show you how you can tokenize the user through our regular checkout page. If you are interested in tokenizing the user separately from the transaction, read the Tokenize Kredivo Account guide below.

The first time you call this API, you will need to pass the parameter tokenizer_user as true to enable tokenization. If that transaction is successful, you will get a user_token in our response. Any subsequent transaction will now become 0-click once you start passing this user_token.

To initiate 0-click Checkout with Kredivo, you will need to call checkout_url API.

Using the API:

The Request JSON structured like this:

    "tokenize_user": false,
    "client_user_key": "",
    "user_token" : "XXXX-XXXX",
    "transaction_details": {
        "items": [
                "name":"iPhone 5S",
                "name":"Hailee Sneakers Blink Silver",
                "name":"Tax Fee",
                "name":"Shipping Fee",
            "email": "",
            "address" : {
                "address":"Jalan Tentara Pelajar no 49",
                "city":"Jakarta Utara",
            "name":"Toko Bagus",
            "email": "",
            "address" : {
                "address":"Jalan Krici raya IX",
                "city":"Jakarta Selatan",
    "disbursement_bank_info": {
        "bank_name": "BCA",
        "bank_account_number": "4500280081",
        "bank_account_name": "AHMAD GUNAWAN"
    "customer_details": {
    "billing_address": {
        "address":"Jalan Teknologi Indonesia No. 25",
    "shipping_address": {
        "address":"Jalan Teknologi Indonesia No. 25",
    "metadata": {
        "user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0"

The Response returns JSON structured like this:

  Positive Response :

    "message":"Message if any",

  Negative Response:

    "status": "ERROR",
    "error": {
        "message": "Field secret_key is INCORRECT.",
        "kind": "APIException"


    "error": {
        "kind": "deprecated",
        "message": "This order is already PROCESSED.",
        "code": null
    "status": "ERROR"

Request Body

Name Type Description
server_key String Required. Each merchant will have server_key generated by Kredivo.
payment_type String Required. You can set default value with 30_days or 12_months. Payment id/type chosen by the shopper (30_days, 3_months, 6_months, 12_months)
tokenize_user Boolean Optional, default value is false. Set this to True if you want to tokenize the user. You will get user_token when the transaction status is settled.
client_user_key String Optional. Required if tokenize_user = true. Should be unique per user on client side
user_token String Optional. If user_token is set, this will be used to authenticate user.
transaction_details Transaction Details of the transaction
customer_details Customer Required. Details of the customer
sellers Seller Optional (compulsory for marketplaces). Details of the seller for marketplaces
billing_address Address Optional. Billing address of the customer/shopper
shipping_address Address Required. Shipping address of the customer/shopper. shipping is required for goods (excluding ticket/voucher)
metadata Metadata Optional. Object containing the metadata parameters
push_uri String Required. URI of merchant push-notification API (HTTP POST)
user_cancel_uri String Optional. URI that the customer is sent to if the customer chooses to cancel the Kredivo payment before completion
back_to_store_uri String Required. URI of your store page. Used on the settlement page. Kredivo’s server will pass some params to this uri for merchant’s server acknowledgement: order_id: Order Id given by Merchant; tr_id: Transaction Id given by Kredivo;tr_status: Transaction status of a transaction; sign_key: Signature key to validate if the notification is originated from Kredivo.
expiration_time String (epoch) Optional. by default kredivo set expiration time 24 hours after transaction time.


Name Type Description
status String Status code (OK or ERROR)
message String Description of status
redirect_url String Redirect URL will be sent for regular transaction. If the user has been authenticated, there will be 2 scenarios: If our security system flags the transaction, we will pass a redirect URL that contains an OTP challenge for the user. Otherwise, we will not pass any redirect URL and you will only need to wait for a callback from Kredivo.
error Message : Description of error status; Kind : error type


Name Type Description
order_id String Required. Order Id given by merchant
amount Double Required. The transaction amount
items Item Required. The shopping items

Product Item

Name Type Description
id String Required. Can be product SKU. Important! for item fee such as: shipping fee, admin fee etc. you have to use this id: shippingfee, adminfee, taxfee, discount, additionalfee, insurancefee, mixpayment.
name String Required. product name given by merchant
price Double Required. Price of the item
url String Required. URL to the product item on merchant site
image_url String Optional. URL to the product item image
type String Required. Product category.
quantity Integer Required. Quantity of the item bought
parent_type String Optional. You can assign the fee to either SELLER or ITEM. If not specified, this will be tied to transaction level
parent_id String Optional. This is either the seller Id or item Id


Name Type Description
first_name String Required.
last_name String Optional.
email String Required.
phone String Required.


Name Type Description
first_name String Required.
last_name String Optional.
address String Required.
city String Required.
postal_code String Required.
phone String Required.
country_code String Required. ISO 3166-1 alpha-3


Name Type Description
id String Required. Seller’s Id
name String Required. Seller’s name
url String Require. Seller’s url
legal_id String Optional. Seller’s legal Id (KTP, SIM or passport number)
email String Required. Seller’s email
address Address Required. Seller’s residential address


Name Type Description
ip_address String Required.
user_agent String Required.
device_id String Optional. IMEI or IMSI of buyer device
imsi String Optional.

HTTP(S) Header

Name Type Description
Content-Type String application/json
Accept String application/json

Confirm Transaction

In this tutorial you will learn how to confirm that you have received and created an order in your system. This confirmation is needed in response to a push notification from Kredivo, indicating that the user has completed the transaction. Once you have received the push notification, you should update the status of the transaction.

1. Receive notification from Kredivo

Once a consumer has completed a purchase, Kredivo will inform you via a POST request. The POST request will be made to the push notification URI you provided when you created the checkout order.

HTTP Notification example of transaction::

    "status": "OK",
    "amount": "1500100.00",
    "payment_type": "30_days",
    "transaction_status": "pending",
    "order_id": "KD125262",
    "message": "Transaction status is pending",
    "shipping_address": {
        "city": "Jakarta Selatan",
        "first_name": "Darana 2",
        "last_name": "Pratama",
        "countrycode": "IDN",
        "creation_date": "2017-08-04T18:28:14",
        "phone": "0217248724",
        "state": "",
        "transaction": 1505866,
        "postcode": "12120",
        "location_details": "Jl. Kerinci IX No. 5-A"
    "transaction_time": 1501846094,
    "transaction_id": "fadee4e5-99a2-48d6-952d-007f3fa508e8",
    "signature_key": "o5KZPDcxgEA9QutAVcIQwE3suQRkTEIA1VXcoHp7KaWJnpHx0uuHETBVpxfYLbaPyS8RJg34uVxTUX64cfUTzVVhCrSif%2FUg92J2WyLs%2FhQ%3D"

Response Body from Kredivo

Name Type Description
status String Status code (OK or ERROR)
message String Description of status
payment_type String Payment id/type chosen by the shopper (30_days, 3_months, 6_months, 12_months)
transaction_id String Transaction Id given by Kredivo
transaction_status String Transaction status of a transaction, the values is:
settlement: Transaction is successful
pending: User has not completed the transaction
deny: Transaction has been denied by Kredivo
cancel: Transaction has been cancelled by merchant
expire: User did not complete transaction, thus transaction is expired
transaction_time UNIX timestamp (epoch) Timestamp of transaction
payment_type String Payment id/type chosen by the shopper (30_days, 3_months, 6_months, 12_months)
shipping_address Address Optional. Shipping address of the customer/shopper
order_id String Order Id given by merchant
amount String The transaction amount
signature_key String Signature key to validate if the notification is originated from Kredivo.

Response Address Info

Name Type Description
city String Optional.
first_name String Optional.
last_name String Optional.
countrycode String Optional.
creation_date String Optional.
phone String Optional.
state String Optional.
transaction Integer Optional.
postcode String Optional.
location_details String Optional.

2. Merchant Response

merchant response should be in JSON, structured like this:

    "message":"Message from merchant if any"

3. Confirm the order status

You must now get the order status to validate the notification originated from Kredivo server

Using the API:

GET /v2/update?transaction_id=bb0380d7-2688-4e73-a668-997f3fc5cbec&signature_key=5f1fa4a524f5a8201a3a373d67b5796840bed1598b2bb816855d0e14d01cd09b988b4b861f39bed642b4db861108bbf0dd84ce8e17caf675d4bf2c81ab545397

Request Body

Name Type Description
transaction_id String Transaction Id given by Kredivo
signature_key String Signature key to validate if the notification is originated from Kredivo.

Response Body

Example response after call API v2/update:

    "status": "OK",
    "legal_name": "TANDRA",
    "fraud_status": "accept",
    "order_id": "KD125262",
    "transaction_time": 1501846094,
    "amount": "1500100.00",
    "payment_type": "30_days",
    "transaction_status": "settlement",
    "message": "Confirmed order status. Valid!",
    "transaction_id": "fadee4e5-99a2-48d6-952d-007f3fa508e8",
    "user_token" : "XXXX-XXXX"
Name Type Description
status String Status code (OK or ERROR).
message String Description of status
payment_type String Payment id/type chosen by the shopper (30_days, 3_months, 6_months, 12_months)
transaction_id String Transaction Id given by Kredivo
transaction_status String Transaction status of a transaction, the values is:
settlement: Transaction is successful
pending: User has not completed the transaction
deny: Transaction has been denied by Kredivo
cancel: Transaction has been cancelled by merchant
expire: User did not complete transaction, thus transaction is expired
transaction_time UNIX timestamp (epoch) Timestamp of transaction
order_id String Order Id given by merchant
amount String The transaction amount
fraud_status String Detection result by Fraud Detection System (FDS), the values is:accept: Approved by FDS; deny: Denied by FDS. Transaction automatically failed
legal_name String legal name of kredivo account
user_token String Once the user authentication succeeds, we will send you the user token. Use this token to enable the express checkout for the user. Currently the user token has no expiration.

4. Settle an order in your system

You should now settle the order in your system with the order data that you want to store if transaction_status is SETTLEMENT.

Deactivate User Token

This step you can allow user to deactive his tokenized

Using the API:

The Request JSON structured like this:

    "server_key": "ABCD-XXXX-1234",
    "user_token": "XXXX-YYYY"

Request Body

Name Type Description
server_key string Mandatory
user_token string user_token sent from Kredivo to tokenize the user.


    "Status": "OK",
    "user_token": "XXXX-YYYY",
    "remarks":"deactive user successful"

Negative response JSON should be structured like this:

    "status": "ERROR",
    "error": {
        "code": null,
        "message": "Invalid merchant",
        "kind": "deprecated"


    "error": {
        "kind": "deprecated",
        "message": "Invalid user_token",
        "code": null
    "status": "ERROR"

Success Response

Name Type Description
status string OK
user_token string user_token sent from Kredivo to tokenize the user.
is_active boolean True/False. If False, Kredivo is not able to provide User Credit Details.
remarks string remarks about user token

Error Response

Name Type Description
status String Status code : ERROR
error Object detail of error detail

Detail of Error

Name Type Description
kind String type of error
code Integer error code
message String Error message

Deactive From Kredivo App

The Request JSON structured like this:

  "message": "message if any",
  "client_user_key": ""

User can also deactivate his/her tokenized account from Kredivo app. Push notif will be sent to inform respective merchant to invalidate user_token. Please contact kredivo to register your push notif endpoint url.

The Response JSON structured like this:

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "message if any"

Please note when calling to POST /v2/checkout_url with invalid token you will get redirect_url on response body that you should handle to continue as regular checkout (i.e. 2-click Checkout)

Get User Credit Details

Once the user is tokenized, you can then call this API to know about the remaining limit, account status, and account type of the user. You will need the user token to call this API.

Using the API:

The Request JSON structured like this:

    "server_key": "ABCD-XXXX-1234",
    "user_token": "XXXX-YYYY"


Name Type Description
server_key string Mandatory
user_token string Mandatory. user_token sent from Kredivo to tokenize the user.


    "Status": "OK",
    "user_details" : {
        "legal_name" : "Rangge Septyo",
        "mobile_number": "62812xxxx0581"
    "user_credit_details": {


Negative response JSON should be structured like this:

    "status": "ERROR",
    "error": {
        "kind": "deprecated",
        "message": "Invalid user_token",
        "code": null

Success Response

Name Type Description
status string status code : OK
user_details object detail of user .
user_credit_details object detail of user credit details

User Details

Name Type Description
legal_name String
mobile_number String

User Credit Details

Name Type Description
account_status integer Possible values (1: active, 2. inactive)
account_type integer 1: basic (eligible for “30_days” and “3_months” payment type ONLY), 2: premium (eligible for “30_days”, “3_months”, “6_months”, “12_month” payment types)
credit_limit_details obejct list of credit_limit: credit limit details per payment type

Credit Limit Details

Name Type Description
payment_type string Possible values: “30_days”, “3_months”, “6_months”, “12_month”
remaining_user_limit string remaining user limit for payment type

Error Response

Name Type Description
status String Status code : ERROR
error Object detail of error detail

Detail of Error

Name Type Description
kind String type of error
message String Error message

QR Checkout

QR Checkout is our solution for those of you have have a physical store. Kredivo offers two kinds of QR code: dynamic and static.

A dynamic QR code is one that is generated every time you initiate a new transaction. This means, you must integrate Kredivo QR checkout API into your POS system. Contact us to find out more about how to integrate this API, either directly or via a POS provider.

A static QR code means the QR is always the same. This means the QR is generated for a store/merchant. Static QR does not require you to do any development from your side. The only difference in terms of user experience is that the user will have to manually enter the transaction amount in his/her Kredivo app when transacting using a static QR.

We also provide a seller app to help you monitor the transactions and perform cancellation.

Here is the API structure:


Contact us to know more about our QR solution.

Initiate QR Checkout

This guide will tell you how you can integrate our dynamic QR solution. To initiate QR checkout with Kredivo, you will need to call the init_checkout API.

Using the API:

The Request JSON structured like this:

    "source": "QR",
    "order_id": "548tIt83saeN",
    "sub_merchant_id": "KFCSenayanCity",
    "push_uri" : "",
            "email": "",
            "address" : {
                "address":"Jalan Tentara Pelajar no 49",
                "city":"Jakarta Utara",
    "items": [
        "id": "001",
        "name":"Product Name",
        "type":"Category Product",
        "id": "002",
        "name":"Product Name",
        "type":"Category Product",


    "status": "OK",
    "qr_image": "{HOST}/{endpoint}/v1/qrcode/{merchant_id}/{external_merchant_id}/6a643481-33fa-4fa7-9135-8a1503fc863a",
    "transaction_id": "6a643481-33fa-4fa7-9135-8a1503fc863a"

Request Body

Name Type Description
server_key String Required. Each merchant will have server_key generated by Kredivo.
amount Double Required. The transaction amount
source String Required. Default value is “QR”
order_id String Required. Order ID given by merchant
sub_merchant_id String Required. ID of a sub merchant. (e.g. KFCSenayanCity)
push_uri String Required. URI of merchant push-notification API (HTTP POST)
sellers Seller Optional. Detail of the seller / store.
items Item Required. The shopping items


Name Type Description
id String Optional. Detail of the seller / store Id.
name String Optional. Detail of the seller / store name.
url String Optional. Detail of the seller / store url.
legal_id String Optional. Detail of the seller / store legal Id (KTP, SIM or passport number)
email String Optional. Detail of the seller / store email
address Address Optional. Detail of the seller / store residential address


Name Type Description
first_name String Optional.
last_name String Optional.
address String Optional.
city String Optional.
postal_code String Optional.
phone String Optional.
country_code String Optional. ISO 3166-1 alpha-3

Detail QR Item

Name Type Description
id String Optional. Can be product SKU. Important! for item fee such as: shipping fee, admin fee etc. you have to use this id: shippingfee, adminfee, taxfee, discount, additionalfee, insurancefee, mixpayment.
name String Required. product name given by merchant.
price Double Required. Price of the item.
type String Optional. Product category.
quantity Integer Required. Quantity of the item bought.
additional_info string Optional. Additional information about other data from partner.


Name Type Description
status String Status code (OK or ERROR)
qr_image String The QR Code URL to be displayed on POS
transaction_id String Transaction ID given by Kredivo

Confirm Transaction

In this tutorial you will learn how to confirm that you have received and created an order in your system. This confirmation is needed in response to a push notification from Kredivo, indicating that the consumer has completed the transaction. Once you have received the push notification, you should update the status of the transaction.

1. Receive notification from Kredivo

Once a consumer has completed a purchase, Kredivo will inform you via a POST request. The POST request will be made to the push notification URI you provided when you created the checkout order.

HTTP Notification example of transaction::

    "status": "OK",
    "amount": "1500100.00",
    "payment_type": "30_days",
    "transaction_status": "pending",
    "order_id": "KD125262",
    "message": "Transaction status is pending",
    "shipping_address": {
        "city": "Jakarta Selatan",
        "first_name": "Darana 2",
        "last_name": "Pratama",
        "countrycode": "IDN",
        "creation_date": "2017-08-04T18:28:14",
        "phone": "0217248724",
        "state": "",
        "transaction": 1505866,
        "postcode": "12120",
        "location_details": "Jl. Kerinci IX No. 5-A"
    "transaction_time": 1501846094,
    "transaction_id": "fadee4e5-99a2-48d6-952d-007f3fa508e8",
    "signature_key": "o5KZPDcxgEA9QutAVcIQwE3suQRkTEIA1VXcoHp7KaWJnpHx0uuHETBVpxfYLbaPyS8RJg34uVxTUX64cfUTzVVhCrSif%2FUg92J2WyLs%2FhQ%3D",
    "sub_merchant_id": "KFCSenayanCity"

Response Body from Kredivo

Name Type Description
status String Status code (OK or ERROR)
message String Description of status
payment_type String Payment id/type chosen by the shopper (30_days, 3_months, 6_months, 12_months)
transaction_id String Transaction Id given by Kredivo
transaction_status String Transaction status of a transaction, the values is:
settlement: Transaction is successful
pending: User has not completed the transaction
deny: Transaction has been denied by Kredivo
cancel: Transaction has been cancelled by merchant
expire: User did not complete transaction, thus transaction is expired
transaction_time UNIX timestamp (epoch) Timestamp of transaction
payment_type String Payment id/type chosen by the shopper (30_days, 3_months, 6_months, 12_months)
shipping_address Address Optional. Shipping address of the customer/shopper
order_id String Order Id given by merchant
amount String The transaction amount
signature_key String Signature key to validate if the notification is originated from Kredivo.
sub_merchant_id String ID of a sub merchant. (e.g. KFCSenayanCity)

Response Address Info

Name Type Description
city String Optional.
first_name String Optional.
last_name String Optional.
countrycode String Optional.
creation_date String Optional.
phone String Optional.
state String Optional.
transaction Integer Optional.
postcode String Optional.
location_details String Optional.

2. Merchant Response

merchant response should be in JSON, structured like this:

    "message":"Message from merchant if any"

3. Confirm the order status

You must now get the order status to validate the notification originated from Kredivo server

Using the API:

GET /v2/update?transaction_id=bb0380d7-2688-4e73-a668-997f3fc5cbec&signature_key=5f1fa4a524f5a8201a3a373d67b5796840bed1598b2bb816855d0e14d01cd09b988b4b861f39bed642b4db861108bbf0dd84ce8e17caf675d4bf2c81ab545397

Request Body

Name Type Description
transaction_id String Transaction Id given by Kredivo
signature_key String Signature key to validate if the notification is originated from Kredivo.

Response Body

Example response after call API v2/update:

    "status": "OK",
    "legal_name": "TANDRA",
    "fraud_status": "accept",
    "order_id": "KD125262",
    "transaction_time": 1501846094,
    "amount": "1500100.00",
    "payment_type": "30_days",
    "transaction_status": "settlement",
    "message": "Confirmed order status. Valid!",
    "transaction_id": "fadee4e5-99a2-48d6-952d-007f3fa508e8",
    "sub_merchant_id": "KFCSenayanCity",
Name Type Description
status String Status code (OK or ERROR).
message String Description of status
payment_type String Payment id/type chosen by the shopper (30_days, 3_months, 6_months, 12_months)
transaction_id String Transaction Id given by Kredivo
transaction_status String Transaction status of a transaction, the values is:
settlement: Transaction is successful
pending: User has not completed the transaction
deny: Transaction has been denied by Kredivo
cancel: Transaction has been cancelled by merchant
expire: User did not complete transaction, thus transaction is expired
transaction_time UNIX timestamp (epoch) Timestamp of transaction
order_id String Order Id given by merchant
amount String The transaction amount
fraud_status String Detection result by Fraud Detection System (FDS), the values is:accept: Approved by FDS; deny: Denied by FDS. Transaction automatically failed
legal_name String legal name of kredivo account
sub_merchant_id String ID of a sub merchant. (e.g. KFCSenayanCity)

4. Settle an order in your system

You should now settle the order in your system with the order data that you want to store if transaction_status is SETTLEMENT.

EDC Checkout

EDC Checkout is our solution for those of you have have a physical store.

We also provide a dashboard to help you monitor the transactions and perform cancellation.

Contact us to know more about our EDC solution.

Initiate EDC Checkout

Interface/API Specifications

We will put the details about endpoints, request/response format, validation etc. Using the API:

The Request JSON structured like this:

    "server_key": "8tLHIx8V0N6KtnSpS9Nbd6zROFFJH7",
    "sub_merchant_id": "KFCSenayanCity",
    "source": "EDC Mobile",
    "push_uri": "",
    "order_id": "12345678912",
    "amount": 15000,
    "mobile_number": "+62-85210549044",
    "terminal_id": "WDCMERCHANT0001"


    "status": "OK",
    "message": "",
    "transaction_id": "bcda87e2-e87b-4b7f-add4-206bb4c1d72c",
    "order_id": "12345678912"

Request Body

Name Type Description
server_key String Required. Each merchant will have server_key generated by Kredivo.
sub_merchant_id String Required. ID of a sub merchant. (e.g. KFCSenayanCity)
source String Required. Default value is “EDC Mobile”
push_uri String Required. URI of merchant push-notification API (HTTP POST)
order_id String Order Id given by merchant
amount Double Required. The transaction amount
mobile_number String User phone number
terminal_id String Optional. Outlet merchant’s EDC device identifier.


Name Type Description
status String Status code (OK or ERROR)
transaction_id String Transaction ID given by Kredivo
order_id String Order Id given by merchant

Confirm Transaction

In this tutorial you will learn how to confirm that you have received and created an order in your system. This confirmation is needed in response to a push notification from Kredivo, indicating that the consumer has completed the transaction. Once you have received the push notification, you should update the status of the transaction.

1. Receive notification from Kredivo

Once a consumer has completed a purchase, Kredivo will inform you via a POST request. The POST request will be made to the push notification URI you provided when you created the checkout order.

HTTP Notification example of transaction:

    "status": "OK",
    "amount": "1500100.00",
    "payment_type": "30_days",
    "transaction_status": "pending",
    "order_id": "KD125262",
    "message": "Transaction status is pending",
    "shipping_address": {},
    "transaction_time": 1501846094,
    "transaction_id": "fadee4e5-99a2-48d6-952d-007f3fa508e8",
    "signature_key": "o5KZPDcxgEA9QutAVcIQwE3suQRkTEIA1VXcoHp7KaWJnpHx0uuHETBVpxfYLbaPyS8RJg34uVxTUX64cfUTzVVhCrSif%2FUg92J2WyLs%2FhQ%3D",
    "sub_merchant_id": "KFCSenayanCity"

Response Body from Kredivo

Name Type Description
status String Status code (OK or ERROR)
message String Description of status
payment_type String Payment id/type chosen by the shopper (30_days, 3_months, 6_months, 12_months)
transaction_id String Transaction Id given by Kredivo
transaction_status String Transaction status of a transaction, the values is:
settlement: Transaction is successful
pending: User has not completed the transaction
deny: Transaction has been denied by Kredivo
cancel: Transaction has been cancelled by merchant
expire: User did not complete transaction, thus transaction is expired
transaction_time UNIX timestamp (epoch) Timestamp of transaction
payment_type String Payment id/type chosen by the shopper (30_days, 3_months, 6_months, 12_months)
shipping_address Address Optional. Shipping address of the customer/shopper
order_id String Order Id given by merchant
amount String The transaction amount
signature_key String Signature key to validate if the notification is originated from Kredivo.
sub_merchant_id String ID of a sub merchant. (e.g. KFCSenayanCity)

2. Merchant Response

merchant response should be in JSON, structured like this:

    "message":"Message from merchant if any"

3. Confirm the order status

You must now get the order status to validate the notification originated from Kredivo server

Using the API:

GET /v2/update?transaction_id=bb0380d7-2688-4e73-a668-997f3fc5cbec&signature_key=5f1fa4a524f5a8201a3a373d67b5796840bed1598b2bb816855d0e14d01cd09b988b4b861f39bed642b4db861108bbf0dd84ce8e17caf675d4bf2c81ab545397

Request Body

Name Type Description
transaction_id String Transaction Id given by Kredivo
signature_key String Signature key to validate if the notification is originated from Kredivo.

Response Body

Example response after call API v2/update:

    "status": "OK",
    "legal_name": "TANDRA",
    "fraud_status": "accept",
    "order_id": "KD125262",
    "transaction_time": 1501846094,
    "amount": "1500100.00",
    "payment_type": "30_days",
    "transaction_status": "settlement",
    "message": "Confirmed order status. Valid!",
    "transaction_id": "fadee4e5-99a2-48d6-952d-007f3fa508e8",
    "sub_merchant_id": "KFCSenayanCity",
Name Type Description
status String Status code (OK or ERROR).
message String Description of status
payment_type String Payment id/type chosen by the shopper (30_days, 3_months, 6_months, 12_months)
transaction_id String Transaction Id given by Kredivo
transaction_status String Transaction status of a transaction, the values is:
settlement: Transaction is successful
pending: User has not completed the transaction
deny: Transaction has been denied by Kredivo
cancel: Transaction has been cancelled by merchant
expire: User did not complete transaction, thus transaction is expired
transaction_time UNIX timestamp (epoch) Timestamp of transaction
order_id String Order Id given by merchant
amount String The transaction amount
fraud_status String Detection result by Fraud Detection System (FDS), the values is:accept: Approved by FDS; deny: Denied by FDS. Transaction automatically failed
legal_name String legal name of kredivo account
sub_merchant_id String ID of a sub merchant. (e.g. KFCSenayanCity)

4. Settle an order in your system

You should now settle the order in your system with the order data that you want to store if transaction_status is SETTLEMENT.

Reversal Transaction

Interface/API Specifications

To terminate the EDC transaction in case of intermittent issue, connection or network issue.

We will put the details about endpoints, request/response format, validation etc. Using the API:

The Request JSON structured like this:

    "order_id": "12345678912",
    "server_key": "8tLHIx8V0N6KtnSpS9Nbd6zROFFJH7"

Positive Response:

    "message": "",
    "status": "OK"

Negative Response:

    "message": "",
    "status": "ERROR"

Request Body

Name Type Description
server_key String Required. Each merchant will have server_key generated by Kredivo.
order_id String Required. Order Id given by merchant


Name Type Description
status String Status code (OK or ERROR)
message String Optional. If any message

Additional APIs

You will find other APIs here that will help you check the transaction status (in case our push notification failed), cancel the transaction, and calculate the interest and payment.

Check Transaction Status

Once your customer is done processing the transaction on their side, you will need to call check transaction status API.

Using the API:

The Request JSON structured like this:

    "order_id": "KB-0c40f395"


    "fraud_status": "accept",
    "transaction_time": 1637743030,
    "order_id": "KB-0c40f395",
    "external_userid": "S9JRJ2bGiS4d",
    "status": "OK",
    "legal_name": "Rangge",
    "message": "Transaction is settlement",
    "amount": "75000.00",
    "discount_amount": 0,
    "transaction_id": "7401e873-ea77-455e-9f31-4ca2268304dc",
    "payment_type": "30_days",
    "transaction_status": "settlement"

Request Body

Name Type Description
server_key String Required. Each merchant will have server_key generated by Kredivo.
order_id String Required. Order ID given by merchant.


Name Type Description
status String Status code (OK or ERROR)
order_id String Order ID given by merchant
transaction_time UNIX timestamp (epoch) Timestamp of transaction
amount Double Transaction amount
payment_type String Payment id/type chosen by the shopper (30_days, 3_months, 6_months, 12_months)
transaction_status String Transaction status of the transaction
settlement: Transaction is successful
pending: User has not completed the transaction
deny: Transaction has been denied by Kredivo
cancel: Transaction has been cancelled by merchant
expire: User did not complete transaction, thus transaction is expired
message String Detail status
transaction_id String Transaction ID given by Kredivo
discount_amount Double Discount amount that the user get for the transaction
items Item The shopping items

Cancel Transaction

Transaction can be cancelled with this API if transaction has been completed.

Using the API:

The Request JSON structured like this:

    "transaction_id": "2be7d9ea-ccba-4743-8b92-0f1fc3ec358d",
    "cancellation_amount": 5000,
    "cancellation_reason":"Out of stock",
    "cancellation_id": "1234567"

Request Body

Name Type Description
server_key String Required. Each merchant will have server_key generated by Kredivo.
cancellation_id String Optional. 60 char. This is not the order ID. 1 order ID can have multiple cancellation ID. If no cancellation ID is sent, we will use the order ID and cancellation amount as the cancellation unique identifier. Cancellation requests with the same order ID and cancellation amount cannot be processed if the time elapsed between the two requests is less than 1 hour.
order_id String Required. Order Id given by merchant
transaction_id String Required. Transaction Id given by Kredivo
cancellation_amount Integer Optional. If you don’t pass this parameter or if you pass a cancellation amount that is equal to the transaction amount, it will be treated as a full cancellation. If the cancellation amount passed is less than the transaction amount, it will be treated as a partial cancellation. If the cancellation amount is bigger than the transaction amount or a 0 or a negative number, we will return an error.
cancellation_reason String Required. A description that clarifies reason of cancelling the transaction
cancelled_by String Required. Cancellation requester name/ id
cancellation_date UNIX timestamp (epoch) Required. Timestamp of Cancellation

Response for full cancellation:

    "status": "OK",
    "fraud_status": "accept",
    "order_id": "EDCA0020F1E-FE69-43EA-B9CA-FCDE1B52B2A6",
    "transaction_time": 1513146999,
    "amount": "5000000.00",
    "payment_type": "30_days",
    "transaction_status": "cancel",
    "message": {short, long}"Cancelled the transaction!",
    "transaction_id": "2be7d9ea-ccba-4743-8b92-0f1fc3ec358d",
    "sub_merchant_id": "KFCSenayanCity",
    "outlet_id": "KFCSCT01"

Response for full/partial cancellation:

    "status": "OK",
    "fraud_status": "accept",
    "order_id": "EDCA0020F1E-FE69-43EA-B9CA-FCDE1B52B2A6",
    "transaction_time": 1513146999,
    "amount": "1000.00",
    "payment_type": "30_days",
    "transaction_status": "settlement",
    "message": "Succes cancelling transaction by amount",
    "transaction_id": "2be7d9ea-ccba-4743-8b92-0f1fc3ec358d",
    "sub_merchant_id": "KFCSenayanCity",
    "outlet_id": "KFCSCT01"

Example for full/partial cancellation negative response:

    "status": "ERROR",
    "error": {
        "code": 2415,
        "message": "Cancellation amount bigger than remaining transaction amount that can be cancelled",
        "kind": "deprecated"

    "status": "ERROR",
    "error": {
        "code": 1009,
        "message": "Transaksi sudah dibatalkan.",
        "kind": "deprecated"
    "status": "ERROR",
    "error": {
        "code": 2415,
        "message": "This cancellation_id is already PROCESSED.",
        "kind": "deprecated"


Name Type Description
status String Status code (OK or ERROR).
fraud_status String Detection result by Fraud Detection System (FDS), the values is:accept: Approved by FDS deny: Denied by FDS.
order_id String Order Id given by merchant
transaction_time UNIX timestamp (epoch) Timestamp of transaction
amount String The transaction amount
payment_type String Payment id/type chosen by the shopper (30_days, 3_months, 6_months, 12_months)
transaction_status String Transaction status of a transaction, the values is:
settlement: Transaction is successful
pending: User has not completed the transaction
deny: Transaction has been denied by Kredivo
cancel: Transaction has been cancelled by merchant
expire: User did not complete transaction, thus transaction is expired
message String Description of status
transaction_id String Transaction Id given by Kredivo
sub_merchant_id String ID of a sub merchant. For Offline Merchant Only (e.g. KFCSenayanCity)
outlet_id String ID of the EDC terminal ID used during transaction checkout

Kredivo Loan Calculator

This API will give you the breakdown of the monthly payment of Kredivo installment.

Using the API:

The Request JSON structured like this:

    "items": [
            "name":"iPhone 5S",

Example Response:

    "payments": [
            "raw_amount": 2400000.0,
            "potential_cashback": {
                "monthly_cashback": 1600,
                "total_cashback": 28800
            "amount": 2400000,
            "discount_interest_rate": null,
            "raw_monthly_installment": 195733.64731556745,
            "id": "18_months",
            "tenure": 18,
            "service_fee": null,
            "name": "Cicilan 18 bulan",
            "interest_rate": "2,6",
            "rate": 2.6,
            "service_fee_percentage": 0,
            "monthly_installment": 195740,
            "installment_amount": 3523320
            "raw_amount": 2472000.0,
            "potential_cashback": {
                "monthly_cashback": 9888,
                "total_cashback": 29664
            "amount": 2472000,
            "discount_interest_rate": null,
            "raw_monthly_installment": 823999.93388194,
            "id": "3_months",
            "tenure": 3,
            "service_fee": 72000,
            "name": "Cicilan 3 bulan",
            "interest_rate": "0",
            "rate": 0.0,
            "service_fee_percentage": 3.0,
            "monthly_installment": 824000,
            "installment_amount": 2472000
            "raw_amount": 2400000.0,
            "potential_cashback": {
                "monthly_cashback": 1200,
                "total_cashback": 28800
            "amount": 2400000,
            "discount_interest_rate": null,
            "raw_monthly_installment": 162402.97669219342,
            "id": "24_months",
            "tenure": 24,
            "service_fee": null,
            "name": "Cicilan 24 bulan",
            "interest_rate": "2,6",
            "rate": 2.6,
            "service_fee_percentage": 0,
            "monthly_installment": 162410,
            "installment_amount": 3897840
            "raw_amount": 2424000.0,
            "amount": 2424000,
            "discount_interest_rate": null,
            "raw_monthly_installment": 2423999.801457357,
            "id": "30_days",
            "tenure": 1,
            "service_fee": 24000,
            "name": "Bayar dalam 30 hari",
            "interest_rate": "0",
            "rate": 0.0,
            "service_fee_percentage": 1.0,
            "monthly_installment": 2424000,
            "installment_amount": 2424000
            "raw_amount": 2400000.0,
            "potential_cashback": {
                "monthly_cashback": 2400,
                "total_cashback": 28800
            "amount": 2400000,
            "discount_interest_rate": null,
            "raw_monthly_installment": 262396.4704067336,
            "id": "12_months",
            "tenure": 12,
            "service_fee": null,
            "name": "Cicilan 12 bulan",
            "interest_rate": "2,6",
            "rate": 2.6,
            "service_fee_percentage": 0,
            "monthly_installment": 262400,
            "installment_amount": 3148800
            "raw_amount": 2400000.0,
            "potential_cashback": {
                "monthly_cashback": 4800,
                "total_cashback": 28800
            "amount": 2400000,
            "discount_interest_rate": null,
            "raw_monthly_installment": 462397.09959627397,
            "id": "6_months",
            "tenure": 6,
            "service_fee": null,
            "name": "Cicilan 6 bulan",
            "interest_rate": "2,6",
            "rate": 2.6,
            "service_fee_percentage": 0,
            "monthly_installment": 462400,
            "installment_amount": 2774400
    "message": "Available payment types are listed.",
    "status": "OK"

Request Body

Name Type Description
server_key String Required. Each merchant will have server_key generated by Kredivo.
user_token String Optional. This user_token will authenticate the user’s limit for 0-click transactions once it’s been set.
amount Integer Required. The transaction amount
items Item Required. The shopping items


Name Type Description
status String Status code (OK or ERROR)
payments Payment List of available payment type to the transaction including its breakdown. You can find available payment type here.

Product Item

Name Type Description
id String Required. Can be product SKU. Important! for item fee such as: shipping fee, admin fee etc. you have to use this id: shippingfee, adminfee, taxfee, discount, additionalfee, insurancefee, mixpayment.
name String Required. Product name
price double Required. Price of the item in the quantity
url String Required. URL to the product item on merchant site
image_url String Optional. URL to the product item image
type String Required. Product category
quantity Integer Required. Quantity of the item bought

Payment Type

Name Type Description
id String Payment id/type chosen by the shopper (30_days, 3_months, 6_months, and 12_months)
name String Payment type name
tenure Integer tenure
rate float interest
amount Double Transaction amount. Total purchased items.
monthly_installment Double total installment per month
installment_amount Double total installment
down_payment Double total down payment
interest_rate_transition_term float spesial interest


We provide plugins for e-commerce site running on certain platforms to make it easier to integrate with Kredivo. Below are plugins for some supported platforms.



Download plugin for woocomerce v.3.x.x here



Download plugin for prestashop v.1.6.x here



Download plugin for opencart v.1.x.x here and opencart v.2.x.x here



Download plugin for magento v.1.x.x here and magento v.2.x.x here

Branding & Visual


Using Kredivo’s logotype generates trust and increases your conversion.

Your website’s background

Depending on if you have dark or light background you can get either a blue or white logo.


We recommend that the Kredivo logo displayed at your site is between 100-300 px. Note that you should not add px after the size parameter.




Download Kredivo logo here.

On your frontpage

When showing the different payment alternatives you offer in your store, display our one and only logo. When hovering over the logo shows details on the payment methods available in your store.

On product level

You will increase the conversion for high value products by showing your consumers that they have the ability to pay in installments. Always use our logotype on product level. The logotype is highly recognisable, even in small sizes. For optimal conversion use our payment method widget.

Marketing Resource

What is Merchant Success?

Kredivo team is here to work together with you to identify and solve problems, support and build a long-term mutual relationship, as well as create collaborative campaigns to increase your revenue.

Our product is your “Sales Enabler”, meaning that Kredivo helps your customer to buy more and more often. In order to see significant results of our product, we strongly encourage you to implement merchant best practice

Why is this important to implement Merchant Best Practices?

  1. Incremental sales takes time and effort. Acquiring customer that is loyal require time and effort. Kredivo is here to facilitate the process through Merchant Best Practice.

  2. Education is crucial. Instant credit financing is not a familiar concept with many consumers. It is important for merchant to educate and create a good consumer flow within the platform.

  3. Sales enabler engine. “Buy now pay later” and “Installment without credit card” is a very strong message for consumptive consumers, allowing them to buy more and more often. Sharing this messages within the platform clearly will help increase sales.

Important Information:

  1. Please send all Kredivo related collateral (newsletter, product promotion, social media posting, banner, FAQ) to prior to posting for approval.
  2. For any merchant related inquiries on customer service and payment information please send it to (Note: this is for merchant related inquiries not consumers related inquiries, in any circumstances this email shall not be given to consumers).
  3. For any consumer related inquiries on our product, technical and payment please let the consumer send these inquiries to or call at +62-855-7467-9098 (Note: Merchant is able to relay this email and phone number to consumers)

Other Marketing Resources:

Service Level Agreement

This Service Level Agreement (the “SLA”) is a policy governing the use of the Kredivo Checkout, a product of PT FinAccel Teknologi Indonesia (“FinAccel”) and its users (“you”). This SLA applies separately to each account using Kredivo Checkout or any other FinAccel products or services. FinAccel reserves the right to change the terms of this SLA.

Service Commitment

All of FinAccel’s products and services, including Kredivo Checkout, are hosted on Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3. FinAccel will use commercially reasonable efforts to make the Kredivo Checkout available with a Monthly Uptime Percentage (defined below) of at least 99.9% of the time in any calendar month. If it is not, then you may be eligible to receive the Service Discount described below.


The following definitions shall apply to the Kredivo Checkout SLA.

Maximum Service Discount: The aggregate maximum amount of Service Discount you can claim for a single calendar month shall not exceed thirty days of billing.

Uptime SLA Exclusions: The SLA does not apply to any performance issues: (i) caused by factors outside of FinAccel reasonable control including any force majeure event or Internet access problems beyond the demarcation point of our servers; (ii) that resulted from any actions or inactions of you; or (iii) arising from our suspension and termination of your right to use Kredivo Checkout in accordance with the Kredivo Merchant Agreement.

Response and Resolution Times*

Severity Definition Response Time Resolution Time
Critical Production server or other mission critical system(s) are down and no workaround is immediately available 15 mins 30 mins
- Server Down
- Connection Down
- More than 15% of transaction are not processed by Kredivo due to some technical issues
Major Major functionality is severely impaired 30 mins 60 mins
- Intermittent connection
- Less than 15% of transaction are not processed by Kredivo due to some technical issues
Minor Partial, non-critical loss of functionality 30 mins 120 mins
- Unable to access Kredivo Dashboard
- Refund error
- Missing Merchant logo

*These are response and resolution times between office hours (9 am – 6:30 pm). For response and resolution times on weekends and public holidays, please add another 30-60 minutes.

Environment Setup


Use credentials below to integrate with our sandbox server.

Credential Description
Domain URL QR, 2-click
Server Key 8tLHIx8V0N6KtnSpS9Nbd6zROFFJH7
Test Account To make transaction you can use below credentials and enter ‘4567’ as the OTP.
Username: 81513114262
Password: 663482
Transaction OTP: 4567


Use credentials below to integrate with our production server. Only transaction comes to this server will be processed by our server.

Credential Description
End Point Please ask for live server end point before going live.

System Status

Click here to see Kredivo’s system status